Orthodontic treatment myths vs. facts : Clarifying Common Misconceptions
Orthodontic treatment can significantly improve your oral health and make you a more beautiful smile. With the rising popularity of orthodontic treatment over the years, however, a lot of myths exist that may hold patients from coming in for their orthodontic treatment or keep them clueless on what they will get from such treatment. In the pages ahead, we clear up some of the more popular misconceptions surrounding orthodontic care and give you the straight talk in the form of facts.
Let’s lay some of these myths to rest and give you clarity where it counts-most of all in your orthodontic care.
Table of Contents
2.Myth 1: Orthodontic Treatment is Only for Kids
3.Myth 2: Braces Are Very Painful
4.Myth 3: Invisalign Is Only for Minor Problems
5.Myth 4: Braces Will Take Years to Work
6.Myth 5: You Can’t Play Sports with Braces
7.Myth 6: You Need to Go See the Orthodontist Every Week
8.Myth 7: Braces Are Just for Cosmetic Reasons
9.Myth 8: Orthodontic Treatment Is Too Costly
- Introduction
Orthodontics has been very advanced and complicated since its inception. But due to recent technology and techniques, more options are available than ever to help someone with any form of bite or oral misalignment problem. With the flood of information, though, comes much confusion due to myths related to the practice. Below, we are going to debunk common myths surrounding orthodontic treatment so that you may have a firmer decision-making capability when dealing with your oral health concerns.
- Myth 1: Orthodontic Treatment is Only for Kids
FACT : Orthodontic treatment is not just for children. In fact, more and more adults are choosing braces or clear aligners to straighten their teeth and improve their bite. Of course, it is sometimes easier to start treatment at a younger age, but orthodontic care can be effective for people of all ages. In fact, many adults now seek treatment for cosmetic reasons and to correct bite issues that have caused discomfort or health problems for years. Options like clear aligners make adult orthodontic treatment discreet and comfortable.
- Myth 2: Braces Are Very Painful
FACT : Though you may experience some aching during or after the application of braces or after an adjustment, orthodontic treatments have become less painful compared to years back. Applying orthodontic appliances gently on your teeth, this procedure helps to reduce pain as time passes. The pain may only last a few days; it can be tolerated with over-the-counter pain medication or retainers. The materials and techniques of braces have advanced so significantly that they are now not as painful as they used to be.
- Myth 3: Invisalign is only for minor problems
FACT : Invisalign is an all-purpose orthodontic treatment, and it can treat almost every kind of dental problem, such as overcrowding, gaps, overbites, and underbites. Even though Invisalign was first sold as a treatment for mildly to moderately aligned problems, it has evolved to handle even more complex cases because of technological advancement. Whether to use Invisalign or traditional braces will depend on the dentist and orthodontist, but it’s not limited to minor problems only.
- Myth 4: Braces Will Take Years to Work
FACT : Orthodontic treatment can take anywhere from a couple of months to two years. The length of treatment is unique to each patient, but most people finish within 12 to 24 months. Several factors such as the severity of your alignment problems, age, and how compliant you are with the orthodontist’s recommendations including rubber bands or retainers would determine the length of treatment. Technology advances like self-ligating braces and clear aligners also shorten the time for many patients to spend with braces.
- Myth 5: You Can’t Play Sports with Braces
FACT : Of course, it is possible to engage in sports with braces; however, you must take precautions so that your teeth and braces are safe. A mouthguard will prevent damage to the braces while playing contact sports such as football or basketball. With slight adjustments, like wearing a special sports mouthguard, you can continue engaging in your favorite activities without worry. Our dentist and orthodontist will guide you on the best kind of protection to use.
- Myths 6: You Need to Go to see the Orthodontist Every Week
FACT : Though visits to the orthodontist are crucial in making sure your treatment works out just fine, that is not a visit every week. Usually, you will visit your orthodontist between 4 to 8 weeks for adjustments. During these visits, your orthodontist will be checking on the progress made, adjusting braces or aligners, and determining if the movement of your teeth is proper or not. Some treatments, like Invisalign, even need fewer visits since you can change to the next aligner in the series by yourself.
- Myth 7: Braces Are Just for Cosmetic Reasons
FACT : Of course, orthodontics improve your smile, but its benefits don’t end here. Braces can treat a variety of bite issues, including overbites, underbites, and crossbites, all of which could help the function of your teeth. This can eventually lead to better oral hygiene, decreased risk of decay, and even more critical problems like jaw pain and tooth wear. A well-aligned bite also helps in chewing, speaking, and oral health.
- Myth 8: Orthodontic Treatment Is Too Costly
FACT : Orthodontic treatment costs can be very different based on type of treatment (braces or clear aligners), case complexity, and your dentist’s location and orthodontist’s location. Braces do cost a pretty penny; however, most of the times, there are some payment plans or insurance options that can make the treatment affordable. Furthermore, orthodontic benefits in the long term, such as oral health and a healthy smile, make it an investment that is worth a lot for many people. For people who want to know the cheapest way to straighten teeth, there are options that include metal braces for kids, but also can be used on adults who need to have something budget-friendly.
- Conclusion
Orthodontic treatment has many benefits, and separating fact from fiction is key when considering it. Hopefully, by debunking some of the common myths, you now have a better idea of what to expect from orthodontic care. Whether you’re an adult considering braces, interested in Invisalign, or want to know more about the process, seeking professional advice from a qualified dentist and orthodontist is the best way to get accurate information. Orthodontics is a life-changing treatment that not only changes your smile but also helps improve your oral health as a whole.